Friday, March 23, 2012

An Extraordinary Life

I was watching Dr. Wayne Dyer's latest tv special on PBS the other night and he said something about living in an extraordinary way. The word resonated so deeply with me, I've tucked it away and kept it close. Extraordinary means unusually great, something remarkable and it is not what
normally done. Extraordinary living is using your own personal gifts and talents and using them in a way only you can do. Do something remarkable, make your mark. Live a BIG unusually great remarkable life!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Facebook Interview- Oprah

I woke up this morning looking to be inspired by a new idea. I stumbled upon this Oprah interview and had to grab a pen to jot down some things. Hope this video will inspire you as it did me.

Watch live streaming video from facebookguests at

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Creative Projects: DIM (did it myself) desk

Okay so when i say DIM (did it myself) what I really mean is that I searched and sifted through dozens of images on pinterest and found an inspiring idea to create a grand desk from wall to wall in our family room.A space for me to craft and write and gather inspiration or should I say "pin"speration. I then approached hubby with this idea and HE basically made it in a hour. I did help hold up stuff and pass things to him and cheered him on when the project had its frustrating moments. In the end I am so thrilled about my new desk and the creative space that I am typing away here at and I feel this sense of ahhh...a space of my own.
So here's basically how we did it, sparing you the mundane little details. First Alex screwed the brackets on the wall .
Then he screwed the top on it which is some melamine coated particle board that was only $35 at home depot. They cut it to size right there. All in all this was a pretty easy and straighforward project if you have a drill and a level. I edited the words CREATE on the wall because eventually I hope to get some letters or a decal of some sort that speaks to creativity. One side is for Alex's music production stuff and one side is all for me! Check out the organizational cabinet to the left of my corner. I got that at the habitat for humanity re-store for a steal! There is still some work to be done. ie. shelving and art on that back wall but part 1 is complete. I am completely happy!
I should also mention that I got those desk chairs at a second hand furniture shop for about $30 each and they are basically brand new. Voila!