Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A quote from Mitch Albom

Sometimes I stumble around on the internet, looking for love in all the wrong places. lol.    Seriously though, I scan facebook and then I move along to pinterest, oprah.com,  browse on flipboard or houzz.  Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope.  Not what I'm looking for.  What am I looking for?  Other than the obvious need to cure my boredom some nights, I'm looking to be inspired, a new idea that turns on a lightbulb and creates an aha! moment inside of me.  I'm always looking to be inspired to live my best life possible because its a journey towards awakening. I was excited when I came across this quote from *Mitch Albom tonight as I was stumbling around in all the wrong places and it resonated immediately so I just knew it was what I needed to hear so I stopped there. 

It reaffirmed an inner knowing that I have that if we focused a little less on our own ego and more on finding ways to use our lives to serve others we could find that deeper meaning we are all searching for.  Our true purpose will not come from a focus directly on our own selves, a life of meaning will come from serving the world with our gifts, talents and passions.

I hope this quote will resonate with you too.  Please Share this quote and begin thinking about how to live your life from a place of purpose and meaning. ( Melissa stop rolling your eyes xo)

*MITCH ALBOM is an internationally renowned and best-selling author  who wrote a few of my favourite books of all time; Tuesday's with Morrie, The five people you meet in heaven, and For one more day.

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